A downloadable game

GRAB is a multiplayer platforming game. You climb, slide and run through levels to make it to the end. If you fall, you have to start again. If you touch lava you have to start again.

It will likely get you sweaty from moving as well as from fear of making a mistake.

It's a fun social experience to try and finish levels first, showing others how it's done or even going together into the editor to make your own levels to share with the community.

The editor allows one or more players to work on a level at the same time and any player can jump into play mode to test a section at any time.

If you encounter any bugs or other issues or just have some great ideas on how to make GRAB better, please join my discord server: https://discord.gg/jScgbSF

GRAB is available for free on Meta Quest: https://www.meta.com/experiences/grab/4104088956355944/

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tagsclimbing, Level Editor, Multiplayer, Oculus Quest, Virtual Reality (VR)
Average sessionA few seconds
MultiplayerAd-hoc networked multiplayer


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This game is the best and I am so hyped for triggers!

hey slin you need to add triggers or blocks you can hold in player mode like battery and add codeing but make it easy you should make where you can copy levels that cost grab coins and i would like to make a lobby i hope you add these

and my grab name is my itch.io name

Hey, some of those things are already on the roadmap and will be added eventually :)

thanks for the info

can i be unbanned from the grab/slindev discord my username is worlds_of_gex

does this game support macos




love this game

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Game crashes on lauhcn, any fixes? i have RTX 2070
Thank you.

I like the game although I have some suggestions when it comes to the editor:

PLEASE add these:

-the snapping is inconsistent, when you snap it's based on the center of the object whereas the scale is based on the face you have selected, it would be easier to snap if the object snapped based on the top corner

-please remove the thing where you select items by touching them, it's super annoying when you try to scale things!

-I tested the PCVR version and you cant pause since it's mapped to the steam button (it's usually mapped to X).

these would be nice:

-it would feel better if the motions eased in and out when snapping (maybe like a 5 frame interpolation, even light haptic feedback).

-when self-scaling there should be a scale times number as well as a representation of the play mode player size.

-when selecting blocks, it should be to where you select the material and then the shape.

more outlandish (hard to implement) ideas:

-hand based locomotion option to make the character move something like in gorilla tag, would go well with the level editor and platforming.

-logic system and interactive objects: this could include placing a box on a button and wiring it to a wall to make it disappear. also, there could be an and, not and store logic in some sort of advanced mode.

-you could add baked lightmaps to make the game look better with little-to-no additional performance cost!

feel free to comment on this if someone wants clarification or to give feedback

I attached an image showcasing a couple of these.


Hey, thanks for your feedback!

I have some of those things planned already, like better snappin, opening the menu on Steam VR and interacting with things and logic stuff.

I have ideas for changing picking objects too and smoothing out the snapping is probably a good idea.

I don't currently plan on adding any new locomotion options nor changing the way selections work. Not great, but a way to get around the selection issue is to touch the object you want to change with both hands and then keep one hand inside while the other one starts the interaction.

I'd love to have shadows, but plan on adding animations soon and have been looking into options to have realtime shadows instead of baked. Baking shadows would also be a bit annoying as part of the level editing process.